Making Groups - ESL Teaching Ideas

Here is a new idea for making groups that I have had success with.

After introducing the activity tell students to think of three ideas and write them down on a piece of paper.

Next, put the students into partners. Have them discuss their potential ideas. Switch the partners quickly so that students can talk to many other classmates. When they have finished discussions ask for some of the best ideas that they have. Also, ask which students had the same answers.

After discussing the possible ideas, tell them to form groups with either someone with the same idea, or with someone who has an idea they like.

This is a great way to make groups because each student will be in a group with classmates who want to do the same idea.

For example:

The activity is to present a news broadcast to the class on one topic. Students brainstorm ideas, which may include: Sports interview with a famous player, political report, business report, local news.

The students who thought of the same ideas can then form groups.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful idea,i have been implementing something similar in my classroom where students are provided a collaborative platform to create,discuss and learn.Now the classroom is so lively and the students also enjoy learning.
