Indirect Speaking Activity

Many students have problems with indirect requests. This includes turning questions into statements.


  • What time is it?
  • I don't know what time it is.

The mistake is often: "I don't know what time is it."

Other examples of mistakes include
  • Do you know what is this?
  • Could you tell me where is the bathroom?

English students are not able to change the order of the words when they speak indirectly. Many students have learned the grammar rules, but they do not apply them when speaking.

To fix this, use speaking exercises that are designed for speed.

Activity 1:

Place students in groups of 3.

Student 1: I don't know where the bus station is. Do you know where the bus station is?

Student 2: No I don't know where the bus station is. Do you know where the bus station is?

Student 3: Yes I do. The bus station is......

Activity 2:

1. Place students in groups of 2-4.
2. In turns, they make statements starting with "Do you know" or "I don't know."
3. Encourage students to speak quickly and go around in a circle as fast as possible.
4. Give them a topic to limit the need for thinking.

Example: A Party

Student 1: Do you know where the party is?
Student 2: Do you know what time the party starts?
Student 3: I don't know if Tom is going to the party.
Student 1: I don't know when the party starts.
Student 2: Do you know if I need to bring anything?
Student 3: I don't know if there is going to be food at the party.

Continue around the circle to build speed. Make sure students are correcting each others mistakes.

Activity 3:

To really build speed, try this activity:

1. Place students in groups of 2-4.
2. Like activity 2, students go around the circle with their indirect questions and statements focusing on "Do you know" and "I don't know."
3. This time, make the questions shorter and faster focusing on "what this is", "what that is", and "who this/that is."

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